jailbreak ios 10.x.x 32 bit devices

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For who miss the last jailbreak for 32 bit devices running iOS 10.x 
Step 1: Download h3lix and cydia impactor
Step 2: Download Cydia Impactor for Windows or Mac from
Step 3: Restore your device to iOS 10.3.3 using iTunes if you haven’t already. We recommend doing this as it’s always great to start afresh when jailbreaking to avoid any issues. Make sure you backup your device’s data though before doing this. You can grab iOS 10.3.3 IPSW file from here: Download iOS 10.3.3 Final IPSW Links For iPhone, iPad, iPod touch.
Step 4: Connect your iOS device to your computer via USB and then launch Cydia Impactor.
Step 5: Sideload the jailbreak IPA using Cydia Impactor
Step 6: Once sideloaded and the profile has been trusted, launch the h3lix jailbreak app.
Step 7: Press the “jailbreak” button in the center and wait for the jailbreak to do its thing.
Step 8. Once done, the device will respring and you should have Cydia on the Home screen of your device.
Step 9: Now you can reboot if you want just to fresh up your device, rejailbreak to get your device back into jailbreak mode by running the h3lix app and then tapping on “jailbreak” button again until the device resprings.
Step 10: After respring, you should be back into jailbreak mode, able to run Cydia and install tweaks.
From here onwards, every time you reboot the device, you will have to put your device back into jailbreak mode by following instructions in step 9 onwards. After every 7 days, you will have to resign and rejailbreak by following instructions in step 4 onwards.
Enjoy! 🤗👍🏻❤️📲🤗


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