iOS 11 and jailbreak

iOS 11.2 and above have no jailbreak. For iOS 11.1.2 and below there are a few things on offer, in various stages of readiness.


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 LiberiOS is an example of a new type of jailbreak, one without a KPP bypass. So-called KPP-less jailbreaks can boast superior stability to ones which use a bypass, but currently suffer from downsides. As they do not bypass KPP they cannot modify areas of the kernel which are checked by KPP. Instead, they modify only safe areas, making them very stable. However, in order to do this and still achieve the effects we want they must constantly run a daemon to inject their changes into the system. The use of this jailbreak daemon is viewed by some as an inelegant solution, and could have reliability or battery life concerns, though this hasn’t been proven. More of an issue is that Cydia Substrate and some of its dependencies are not yet updated to work with this jailbreakd approach. LiberiOS lacks Cydia (Substrate) support for this reason, and may not get it. It should be noted that future jailbreaks will almost certainly be of this type, as KPP bypasses are hard to come by. The stability offered by this methodology looks to be the way forward, once compatibility with Substrate is ironed out. All iOS 11 jailbreaks are KPP-less. For iOS 10 the field is split, with Meridian being KPP-less, and G0blin (and some older tools) using a bypass. LiberiOS supports iOS 11.0-11.1.2, on all devices.


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Made by CoolStar, Electra uses the same exploit as LiberiOS, though packaged independently. Unlike LiberiOS this tool has made some attempts to resolve the incompatibilities with the Cydia platform. Without a working Cydia Substrate, CoolStar has bundled Substitute instead. This is an open-source Cydia Substrate alternative made by Comex. It has the same functionality as Substrate, but can be freely updated to work with KPP-less jailbreaks. Saurik does not approve of Substitute, nor of a jailbreakd approach, and it remains to be what his own solution will be for KPP-less Substrate support. For more information, see the explanation under LiberiOS.


supports all 64-bit devices on iOS 11.0-11.1.2 and can install tweaks due to Substitute. However, it does not yet bundle Cydia as several of its dependencies like aptand dpkg are not updated for it. All tweaks must be installed manually from the command line, requiring a little more technical expertise than the average Cydia user is used to. Exercise caution if trying things out, though it shouldn’t be too hard to find the information for basic tweaking. Updated versions of apt and dpkg may be available in the next few days, making an Electra revision with Cydia a distinct possibility.

Saurik’s unknown solution

The current status and rate of progress of this project is unknown, though it has been confirmed to be underway. It may lack the addition of the jailbreak daemon, which is required by other KPP-less tools, as Saurik has commented on his perceived inelegance of it as a solution. For more information, see the explanation under LiberiOS. Do not expect any status updates on this project, though once released it will have the advantage of official support for Cydia and Cydia Substrate, without recourse to the command line, and without Substitute.


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