Saurik confirms that he’s working on iOS 11 support for Cydia

Cydia iOS 11.1.2

Ian Beer’s recently-publicized tfp0 exploit seems to be assisting eager jailbreak developers in their ongoing quest to create a working jailbreak tool for iOS 11.0-11.1.2.
Twitter user cheesecakeufo shared the photo above on Twitter this week, showcasing what appears to be Cydia running on a jailbroken iPhone X with iOS 11.1.2 installed on it. While it looks promising at first glance, there’s purportedly still a truckload of work to be done.
Cheesecakeufo cites Ian Beer’s exploit as a big help in making this feat possible, but some caveats remain. For one, it’ll take some fine-tuning and testing to ensure stability. Furthermore, Cydia isn’t quite ready for iOS 11 just yet, and its functions remain limited until Saurik updates the app for Apple’s latest operating system.
While it seems like there might be a long wait ahead of us, a Reddit comment by the father of Cydia himself reveals that he’s actively working on iOS 11 support for the app as we speak


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